How Natural Sitting Raises Creativity & Vitality

How Natural Sitting Raises Creativity & Vitality

How can sitting GIVE you energy?

How much energy would you have if your body could rest in a dynamic fluid state all the time?

To get started, choose a seat that raises your hips so they’re a bit higher than your knees. You can sit on the edge of your chair, or put a 

sturdy wedge or by rolled-up towel under your sit bones. The sit bones are the bones you feel when you sit on your hands.

Feel all the sensations that are happening. Feeling is the key. Feel your bones, especially the bones in your feet, and your sit bones, and their weight on the ground and in your chair. I curl my toes inside my shoes or notice how my clothing feels against my skin to help me attune to sensation. As we can’t feel sensation and overthink at the same time, your mind will quiet naturally.

Now imagine your feet are sending roots deep down into the ground. Perhaps you’re a majestic stalk of seaweed reaching from your deep anchor to rise gently and effortlessly toward the sun above. Our bodies don’t know the difference between real and imagined. As in yoga, envisioning ourselves suspended between these powerful poles, those of the feminine Earth and Masculine Sky, creates space, fluidity, and deep relaxation. Let go of any tension in your face, neck and shoulders and allow your breath to expand, especially at the bottom of the ribcage behind you.

Feel your sit bones sink into your seat. While still gently rising, roll slightly forward onto the front of your sit bones. There is something magical about the front of these bones. With your roots firmly planted, feel your seaweed-like body surrender to the gentle swells of ocean current as you continue to rise effortlessly toward the sky.

Next, squeeze your pelvic floor just a little. Imagine your pelvic floor is pumping a river of vital energy from the ground up through your spine toward the crown of your head.

Then, wake up the area around your belly button. No need to grip. Gently connect your belly button with your spine. When the pelvic floor and belly are responsive this way, much like a powerful tree with swaying limbs, our trunk, our “core,” wakes up and allows our hips and shoulders to completely release. See if you can feel that.

Now rest your whole tongue across the roof of your mouth. See if you can feel the soft palate – the soft part of the roof of your mouth – with the back of your tongue. This contact stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system by way of the vagus nerve. Tongue/palate contact helps the body reference its midline axis which wakes up the core. The tongue is designed to across the entire roof of the mouth all the time.

Imagine your head floating gently on top of your spine. Feel your breath fill your entire body. Feel your breath fill your kidneys at the back of the bottom of your rib cage. This motion massages the kidneys and adrenal glands. You can lower your adrenalin this way.
Feel your heart expand, and fill with gratitude. Imagine your heart in communication with every cell in your body, giving and receiving love. Imagine, and feel, each cell in your body filling with love. Imagine this love filling your entire body, becoming your body, and then radiating out to all that surrounds you.

This way of sitting, and feeling, of “being” in the body, can feel amazingly expansive and abundant. Alighting our bodies with attention and love this way can quickly become second nature, because it is your nature. With practice it can feel effortless, as if you are being “taken” by a powerful force that is doing your sitting for you, all day long. 🙏🏽

I’d love to hear how it goes!

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